Saturday, March 21, 2009

Once for me and once for someone new


So tonight as I stayed in, yeah boring Tiff-so ended Friday the boring way. I didn't welcome the first day of Spring as I envisioned it...Smiling ear to ear in the warm sunlight, a soft Philly pretzel shalacked with both spicy and yellow mustard in one hand and a free Rita's water ice in the other. Instead there was a balled up fist tucked inside my jacket pocket and in the other a new tube of Blistex lip balm. Spring had welcomed me with harsh cold winds and a slight case of chapped lips. So after a tiring day of work I figured I was going to spend the remainder of my day planted in my room playing catch up on my Asian dramas. Yes, for those who don't know me real well I love no I am addicted to Asian Dramas. Something about them can beat out any drama/ soap opera American TV has to offer ( but that is another post to be discussed).

SO, as I watched the Japanese drama "Love Shuffle" (which is amazing), the characters made a point that kind of hit me while I was brushing my teeth and kinda reminded me of the "Season, Reason, Lifetime" poem. It made me think of the people that I have come across in my life and how their influence has helped shaped and molded me to the person that stands before you. I believe if anything when you are born you are given some personality, but through out time it's a mix of the people and your environment that makes you who who are. For example, I thank my best friend who I will call A* for exposing me to new genres of music. It was because of her I believe got me to venture outsides the box of what "Black people listen to". She was the only black kid that I knew in seventh grade who listened to Marilyn Manson, Korn, Nirvana, and Bjork. She listened to rap and all but could care less about it. I believe she had a strong influence besides a few other people, for my thirst of music. I can say that if you ever ventured onto my music library you may be blown away from what I have. But that's just one example, I'm sure if you really sat down and thought about it ,what can you say that you have learned or experienced from a particular person that you know. It doesn't have to be something big we all affect each other in different ways, and this can even be further stretched out to strangers that you have come across in your travels. For those who I do consider friends, acquaintances, strangers, even those who I am not fond of I would like to take this time to say "Thank you". Thank you for playing a part in my on going development . Now, if you where to take it up a notch what imprint do you think you left on people? [ cue in dramatic music: Din Din Diiiiinnnn:]

The musical selection for today comes from the group Earth, Wind and Fire with their song Fantasy which happens to be the opening main theme to the series "Love Shuffle". I have always liked this song more so for the different range in vocals and the last part of the song with the high note. From listening to the actual lyrics it is definitely a perfect theme for the series and even for this And the commercial for the series love shuffle if your interested to watch it go to (


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