Sunday, April 12, 2009

Unsolved Mysteries of the Food Kind

( Two posts in one day, I'm on a roll. )

Today my hermano and I had a very interesting conversation which lasted throughout the day about a "thing" that is known in the mystical land of Ronald McDonaldland as Grimace. To those who grew up in the 80's and early 90's I'm sure you remember the Saturday morning or after school cartoons and being bombared with commericals of Ronald McD, the Fry Kids, the Bird chic with pony tails, Nuggets that sang and rode skateboards, and a token group of normal kids shoving their faces with Cheeseburgers and Coke products and unpacking the free plastic toy inside the cardboard castle. My fond memories of the commericals still play in my head today and I kinda miss the times when Ronald McD was real about showing that crime happens everywhere especially in McDonaldland. Like when the Hamburgler would hijack lil Billy's Cheeseburger or Nugget meal and make off until a purple blog named Grimace would clumsly trip and some how spoil Hamburglers plans, and as always Ronald got the credit (smh...taking the dudes shine). So yeah we all knew that each character related to some type of food that was offered at MickeyD's but where in the hell did Grimace fit in? Was he some mutant from a distant land, or maybe a moldly blueberry pie that later evolved and was taken in by Ronald? I have asked other people and all the answers lead to a giant question mark. So I figured I, Tiffso would do a 5 minute research and see if I could find some answers because the American and the rest of the people in the universe need to know gosh-damn it!!

So after a minute or two, I found a few, google...etc. And of course they didn't really know either...wth ( >:( ) ...this is like an unsolved mystery. But what I did find out was interesting. The Grimace dude is some dumb purple animal that lived in a cave and at one time was a milkshake thief ....Like I said Ronald kept it real about crime in the world and didn't sugar coat anything..real dude. He even went by the alias of "Evil Grimace", had four arms and would karate chop kids in the throat and steal their milkshakes while the Hamburgler punched them in the stomach and stole the burgers. Yeah that all didn't happen but it sounded great, but they where thieves. Later somehow Grimace made so much grop from stealing and selling the milkshakes to others that he tried being like the Tony Montana of Milkshakes in Ronald McDonald but some ish went down and he lost 2 of his 4 arms. Grimace got shook and became Ronald's lil hoe piece and the rest is history.

The End or is it ?


1 comment:

  1. He's a glob of grape jelly. That is my final answer.
