Thursday, March 25, 2010

DON'T CALL IT A COME BACK...but it is that

It's been a minute and a half. And yeah alot has gone on in my life more good and great than ok. I will try my best to do a brief summary if that is even necessary, but I'll just start from here as my marker as the beginning.

But yeah, let's place the focus back on me ,as those who are new and unaware. Alot of changes from the inside and outside have been going on. My most current and most hyped change which I am loving 100x to the infinite power is my BC. BC= big chop whom aren't game to the "natural hair " terminology. I've went from 20 something odd years of rocking straight locks thanks to the creamy crack to coming to terms and having a pow-wow with myself again. I like to call my "new" hair "Amina" was more so given to me,so for future reference Amina is the name of my hair.

Here are some pics of me to give you a brief time line of hair journey: (cue in the opening music of the Lion King Please)

Me circa 1987 maybe- before a perm super thick, pressed and happy

Sometime in the early 1990's when acid wash, Pee Wee Herman, MC Hammer and Fraggle Rock was still in syndication on I showing my age?

My high school picture for being art student of the I sometimes miss those days

Fast forward to Junior Year of College still rocking long hair but going through a short "Corinne Bailey Rae" phase of spirals all over. This style was a hit and a shocker for those who were used to me with straight hair....

Ahhh, My summer in Germany after graduating college. I swear my hair was the healthiest, thickest and longest during my time here. I blame their "hard" yet unfiltered vitamin enriched water. I miss Europe.

Another picture of me that I took while there and waiting on a ride....the things I do while alone...

Summer of 2009, hair is still good, but during this time I did notice it getting a little thinner than before. Yet still unfazed but I just opt for a new style to help make it appear thicker...

So I got bangs and got it layered it in the back, but grew over the bangs in a few weeks

Then a week before Christmas 2009, I hacked it off after getting tired of it sweating out in dance class and just noticing it getting thinner and thinner...I figured from this point and from doing research months prior to I would go natural and figured that this would be a good "transition" phase and also the ability to see what my natural hair curl pattern is...

I liked it initially and thought that by having shorter hair would be less maintenance, but I definitely misread the memo and it more work than ever. I tried to maintain this style but it lasted for a good 3months and I was tired of the civil war which was Perm vs the Natural going on. After three months of battling it out the Natural took over and I was definitely loving my curly hair which I never knew I had.

And then on a rainy Friday night on March 12,2009 the battle ended by cutting off the remainder of the relaxed ends off for good. And that is where I am at. Relaxer free and a curly mini fro or twa (teeny weeny afro).

So, this is where I am a new journey in getting reacquainted with life while still, dealing with the everyday life of life and making the best from it. Stay tuned as I will update and definitely show you a glimpse of my life.

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