Friday, October 16, 2009

Back like a bad habit


I'm back in action to give this blog thing another try, I will try to be faithful like a prostitute to her Pimp Daddy Dobop. Life I can say since my last post which was July/August-ish has been a like a bouquet of mixed flowers..colorful, fun, a lil dull, but overall pleasing to the eye. If I went into complete detail you would probably stop coming around so I wont. I'll just fill you in when necessary. So yeah, in the last post I mentioned a new direction, and there will be you just have to stick around to see these changes.

Anyways, today is Friday..Thank you God Almighty, because the week have been long and cold. The weather in Philly has been labeled or diagnosed as completely bi-polar because clearly last week I was able to frolic the streets in a t-shirt or light jacket, but this week just jumped from fall straight to winter. To the point where I had to vacuum the dust off my Ugg boots (however I still refused to wear them) and throw on layers of t-shirts (because I forgot I got rid of a lot of my winter gear last year). It's been rainy and just completely disgusting to the point I broke down and purchased some Hunter rain boots or galoshes because my faithful moccasins don't come equipped with rain blocker abilities.

So as I continue to wear my moccs till I get my new moccs thats about it for today. As you can see its like 3pm-ish, and I'm clearly not doing any work...I blame the weather and the fact that I'm tired from my last several days of hanging out to wee hours of the morning.

So,what do you have planned for the weekend? Me creating visual miracles at my PTJ (part time job), entertaining and amusing my friends, hip hopping, and enhancing my Chinese...yeahhh boii sounds like 2 days of unbearable fun right there. My life isn't that sad, trust me...just this weekend.
For those who are close to me and are apart of my "Tiffso's Morning Thoughts Program" , I like to ask random questions or give some great liners just to start the day good on a happier note. You can say it's like apart of your complete breakfast like that box of Wheaties and OJ on the side. Well I will start sharing some of these thoughts here...because its my blog.

Well have a good weekend see you loves later.

----Tiffsoyo :)

Tiffso's Question of the day: If a company offered a service like Car Facts for cars but had something geared towards prospect/potential dates called "Date Facts", would you use it or would you go about the traditional way and just see what happens between you and your prospect?

and final thought of the day: Always knock first ....(not all surprises are good, but they can be amusing)

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