Sunday, July 12, 2009

i want to become better

So yeah I know I have been absent/a slacker/procrastinating/ (insert other similar adjectives) here. There is no excuse nor will I make any because the first few adjectives do describe some of the things which has caused me to c-block my blogging duties. But I will make this clear just so that there is an understanding on both ends...I will try my best to update this, however that does not mean on a daily...I will aim for 2-3 a week. But besides that I am doing well:

taking in the freshly brewed Oxygen each day, making mistakes and learning from them as well as learning from others mistakes because it is not possible to make every mistake that is humanly possible, listening/ discovering/"DJ-ing"/ and rediscovering old music, making friends, working like Kunta's long lost run away cousin, reading, studying, runajogawalkin (thats a new exercise I created :) ), eating waterice, and just trying to busy myself...and of course trying to see my friends here and there.

I'm still on my Clazziquai Project ish. That group is many things that my soul and ears crave for...its like my new addiction. I can't get enough of them and Alex Chu who is 1/2 of the group who has his own solo cd..which is fire. One of my favorite songs from his cd entitled "My Vintage Romance" is the song Miss Understand f/ Simon Dominic (Simon D). The song is sung in his native language which is Korean, but it is definately a good song whether or not u can understand the words. You can sense the feeling and soul in it (well I do). Listen

1 comment:

  1. Yum to Alex and that sound is rather soulful. Thanks for sharing Tiffer!
